Κυριακή 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

THE LIBERTY SONGS BY PANAGIOTIS KAROUSOS at the Theatro Vrahon (Melina Mercouri Open Air Theatre)


Panagiotis Karousos’ Singing Poets of Freedom

Culture and Sports Organization of Vyronas Municipality
Theatro Vrahon (Melina Mercouri Open Air Theatre)
"Singing Poets of Liberty"
A Musical Journey by Panagiotis Karousos
Admission free by invitation
Information: Department of Culture of the Municipality of Vyronas, 210 7609340 - 350
All health protocols for public health that will be valid during the event will be taken into considerations
Concert with songs by Panagiotis Karousos under the teaching and direction of conductor Andreas Prionas
Vocals: Eleni Roda, George Kampanellis, Erofili Tzanou, Dimitris Kanellos, Georgia Siakavara, Theodor Birakos, Tzo Antonakaki.
Musicians: Giannis Lamprakis (bouzouki), Andreas Niakaris (percussion), Andreas Prionas (piano), Nikos Tsachtsiris (double bass).
Recitations of poems: Renata Anagnostopoulou, Giota Karachaliou, Spyros Chaintoutis
HAN Nice Dance Group under the tutelage of choreographer Rena Vengou
Presentation: Eleni Roda
Music direction: Andreas Prionas
Artistic direction: Panagiotis Karousos
Poems Set to Music by composer Panagiotis Karousos: The Enchanted Fountain (Costas Krystallis), Remembrance (Dionysios Solomos), Approach (Yiannis Ritsos), Wayfarer (Paul Nirvana), How much I love you (Yannis Vilaras), Τhe child in the river (Georgios Vizyinos), Silence (Kostis Palamas), Parthenon (Kostis Palamas), You the sweet (George Drosinis), Caryatids (Ioannis Polemis), Elevation (Nikiforos Vrettakos), In an old church (Miltiadis Malakasis), In the night club (Napoleon Lapathiotis), Learn the pain (Ioannis Gryparis), My world (Karl Marx), You will pull forward (Manolis Anagnostakis) Flowers of the cliff (Georgios Drosinis), Tomorrow Light (Alekos Panagoulis), Arise, Greece (Alexander Pushkin), Maid of Athens (Lord Byron)
It concerns the new compositional work of the renowned Greek-Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos. The composer of classical music known through his operas (Prometheus bound, Trachiniae - Olympic Flame, Alexander the Great), Oratorio: "The Song of the Nations", the Symphony of Liberty, etc., set to music poems by great Greek and foreign poets. A tribute to the 200 years of poetry (1821-2021) 200 Years of the Greek Revolution that we celebrate this year.
Panagiotis Karousos is a renowned Greek-Canadian composer who brings to his music the philosophy and spiritualism of the Greek classics. His Symphony No.1 “Liberty”, was presented in Canada and New York with great success with the Astoria Symphony and maestro Silas Nathaniel Huff. He did many concerts in Canada with his Liberty Symphony, and Symphony No.2 “Olympic” with the FACE Symphony Orchestra, the OSJL-L Symphony Orchestra and the Monteregie Symphony Orchestra under the direction of maestros Andre Gauthier, Theodora Stathopoulos and Luc Chaput. The Piano Concerto for Peace was presented with pianist Nathalie Joncas under UNESCO auspices in the Montreal Popular Concerts series in Montreal’s Maurice Richard Arena to an audience of 5000 people. The Suite Montrealaise was commended from the City of Montreal to mark the Millennium. The Olympic Flame choir was presented with the Symphony Orchestra and the Choir of Gunst wat'n Kunst at Hague, Holland, with maestro Rafael Pylarinos. P. Karousos Violin Concerto was presented in New York, under the direction of maestro Grant Gilman. The opera Alexander the Great presented in Montreal at the Montreal Notre Dame Basilica, in Chicago Illinois with the American Symphony Orchestra of Chicago and conducted by David Stech, in North Carolina Theatre with East Coast Philharmonic and soloists under the direction of Grant Gilman, and in Toronto at P.C. Ho Theater Cultural Center of Toronto with the Sneak Peak Symphony Orchestra of Toronto University and soloists under the direction of maestro Victor Cheng. The opera Prometheus represented in Los Angeles, in New York with the Astoria Symphony and soloists, and in Washington DC with The District of Columbia Symphony Orchestra. In 2013 he did major presentations of Prometheus in Ancient Greek Theaters (Epidaurus, Messina, Ancient Agora), and the National Archeological Meseum of Greece. In 2014 Prometheus presented with bass Vasilis Asimakopoulos in the United Nations and in Mamie Fay auditorium of New York under the auspices of UNESCO. His Symphony No.4 “Earth” premiered in 2014 with City of Athens Symphony Orchestra under the direction of maestro Eleftherios Kalkanis. In 11 December 2014 he presented in Athens Greece his "Tuba Concerto" dedicated to the International Mountain Day Under the Auspices of United Nations. The lyric tragedy "Prometheus Bound" is the first Greek popular opera presented internationally and always with great success in areas such as the Sorbonne, Place des Arts in Canada, Epidaurus, UN, getting rave reviews.

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