Παρασκευή 27 Αυγούστου 2021

Ilias Katsos, George Karatzia, Demi Pamboukis and Billy Chrissochos at Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Paul

Pictured: Lieutenant Governor Distr. 6/ President of Delphi 25 Brother Ilias Katsos, AHEPA National Project Chairman Brother George Karatzia, District 6 Governor Brother Demi Pamboukis, Director of Hellenism District 6/Hermes Secretary Brother Billy Chrissochos.

Billy Chrissochos: I am so excited to be part of AHEPA. I am now the Director of Hellenism for District 6 Empire State (all of NY). I take the reins over from Brother Ilias I. Katsos who set up a very high standard for all of us. He is now Lieutenant Governor and President of Delphi 25. I am also secretary for the Hermes 186 Astoria Chapter, which Brother George Zouvelos is president, and we are growing fast with youthful, energetic, business professionals with a love for #Hellenism and our #OrthodoxChurch. Here is some of #AHEPA’s upcoming #charity and #cultural events. Starting with the lecture on September 6th about the Pogrom of the Greeks of Constantinople in 1955.

Pictured is, District 6 Governor Brother Demi Pamboukis, AHEPA National Project Chairman Brother George Karatzia, Secretary Brother Chris Pappis and many others. The Very Rev. Eugene N. Pappas dropped by also. This was a joint meeting with the Daughters of Penelope as well as the Sons and Maids. Contact me if your wish to join our #HermesAstoria Chapter 🙂. Greeks as well as Philhellenes are welcomed to join. #AHEPADirectorofHellenism
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Paul.

AHEPA District 6 Secretary Brother Chris Pappis and Director of Hellenism District 6/Hermes Secretary Brother Billy Chrissochos

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