Τετάρτη 4 Αυγούστου 2021

A great concert with works by Panagiotis Karousos for the 200 years of the liberation of Greece took place in Ancient Corinth

Thursday, July 29, 2021. The concert of Panagiotis Karousos in Ancient Corinth for the Greek Revolution of 1821 was held with great success with the impressive participation of the amazing soprano Victoria Horosunova-Diakaki.

The Open Theater (Xenia) packed with people, with the local authorities together, had an unforgettable evening of fine high poetry and serious music. The concert was prefaced by Dr. Tonia Tzanavara, Archaeologist - Art Historian - Head of Cultural Activities of the CENTER OF CULTURE, SPORTS & ENVIRONMENT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CORINTHIA (KEPAP). Greetings were given by the Mayor of Corinth Vassilis Nanopoulos, and George Psychogios MP SYRIZA-PS Corinth.

The concert for the liberation of Greece "1821 - 2021" with works by Panagiotis Karousos with the Music Ensemble of the Corinth Philharmonic was conducted by Glykeria Moraitaki Chief Musician and conductor of the Corinth Philharmonic.

The wonderful lyric artists participated were: soprano Rea Voudouri, soprano Victoria Horosunova-Diakaki, tenor Theodoros Birakos, soprano Mariza Kioseoglou, tenor Konstantinos Drakonakis. Mania Hantzeri accompanied on the piano. Myrto Korka recited the poems.

The Program included: March for 1821, 40 Braves (Saranta Palikaria-Traditional), and famous poets' poems set to music by Panagiotis Karousos, The Enchanted Fountain (Costas Krystallis), Remembrance (Dionysios Solomos), Approach (Yiannis Ritsos), Wayfarer (Paul Nirvana), Tu sei come una terra (Cesare Paveze), No te amo (Pablo Nerouda), Love is life War and peace (Leon Tolstoy), How much I love you (Yannis Vilaras), The child in the river (Georgios Vizyinos), Silence (Kostis Palamas), Parthenon (Kostis Palamas), You the sweet (George Drosinis), Caryatids (Ioannis Polemis), Maid of Athens, ere we part (Lord Byron).

This is the new compositional works of the Greek-Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos. The composer of classical music known through his operas (Prometheus bound, Trachiniae - Olympic Flame, Alexander the Great), makes an opening in art songs and popular songs, setting to music great Greek and foreign poets. A tribute to the 200 years of poetry (1821-2021) from the liberation of the Greek state that we celebrate this year.

The select audience applauded the artists and performers of the concert dedicated to 1821 - 200 years of poetry and freedom, and demanded that the song "Maid of Athens" by Lord Byron be repeated.

Among others guests were Themis Koutsogilas, President of the Municipality of Corinth, congratulated the artists and contributors, the former Member of Parliament, Mr. Athena Korka-Konsta, Deputy Regional Minister of Education - Culture of the Peloponnese, civil engineer, George Psychogios MP SYRIZA-PS Corinth, the musician Anita Tsapalou, Head of the School Activities Department of the Secondary School of N. Korinthia, the former municipal councilor Marios Asimakopoulos (candidate for Mayor of Corinth) Doctor of Geology from the University of Patras, Olga Konomodi-Thomas President of the Association of Speech and Art "Alkyonides", etc.

The composer Panagiotis Karousos thanked artists and organizers for the success of the concert: On behalf of all the artists a big thank you to the children and musicians of the Corinth Philharmonic and the chief musician Glykeria Moraitaki to the organizers of the event, and the people of Corinth who honored us so much with their presence. It was a great success that we experienced in ancient Corinth dedicated to the 200 years of the liberation of Greece "1821 - 2021".

Congratulations to the worthy Chief Musician and conductor Glykeria Moraitaki and to the wonderful Music Ensemble of the Corinth Philharmonic, to Themis Koutsogilas, President of the KEPAP of the Municipality of Corinth, Dr. Tonia Tzanavara, Head of Cultural Activities of the Municipality of Corinth, and all the artists and participants in the successful Cultural events in Corinth Summer 2021

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