Τετάρτη 21 Ιουλίου 2021

Big success for Billy Chrissochos' Porphyra’s concert at the Athens Square Park

 What an incredible night for New York Empire State District 6 with #Porphyra’s at the Summer Greek Night performance at Athens Square Park! Many thanks to our committee Athens Square-Πλατεία Αθηνών -Astoria NY Park - Astoria N.Y.C. ΗΠΑ President George Delis ( personal contribution) and AHEPA HERMES CH 186, Astoria - New York City for sponsoring. #Astoriarocks and you all proved it! Porphyra #GreekNight”—A Porphyra Summer Concert 07-20-21 Was a succesful, public, outdoor, Free Admission - and All Ages Show! Bravo and Congratulations to Br. AHEPA Hermes Chapter 186 President Billy Chrissochos and his band! Br. Billy is also an appointed AHEPA District 6 Director of Cultural Events & Arts; and proudly former recipient ‘Ahepan of the Year’ award 2019-2020.

George Zouvelos, The Director of Media and Marketing for Athens Square Park; AHEPA District 6 NY State District Secretary; past President Hermes Ch. No. 186; past AHEPA NY State Marshal; past NY State Warden; proudly psst awarded ‘Ahepan of the Year’ 2020-2021; and, was awarded the AHEPA NY State Governors statewide ‘Outstanding Service Achievement Award.’
Join AHEPA, ask us how! ΑΧΕΠΑ is the largest and oldest grassroots not for profit association of #American citizens of #Greek heritage and #Philhellenes with more than 400 chapters across the United States, also citizens of Canada, and Europe. #AHEPA is a fraternal organization founded on July 26, 1922, in Atlanta, Georgia. AHEPA was founded to fight for civil rights and against discrimination, bigotry, and hatred felt at the hands of hate groups mainly the #KuKluxKlan #KKK
#DefendHellenism #PromoteHellenism
#AHEPA #ΑΧΕΠΑ #Hermes186 #Astoria #LIC #NewYork #NYC #GeorgeZouvelos #zouvelos #Ζουβελος #ΓιώργοςΖουβελος #AthensSquarePark #AthensSquare

Billy Chrissochos:
What an incredible night for #Porphyra’s Summer Greek Night in Athens Square Park! Here are some selfies with band, family, and old friends and fans. Every age was there and love it. From young to seniors. Many thanks to my #AHEPA Hermes Chapter for sponsoring along with the Athens Square Park Committee! #Astoriarocks and you folks proved that!

AHEPA Hermes Astoria Chapter 186 and the Athens Square Park Committee proudly present

“A Porphyra Greek Night” Outdoor Summer Concert!
On Tuesday, July 20th, 2021
7:00 PM
Athens Square Park, Astoria
30th Ave and 30th St
Free Admission - All Ages Show
Facebook event link:
About Porphyra -
Porphyra's Rock Opera, "Anna and Vladimir: The love that ROCKED the world" DEBUTED at Carnegie Hall and Off-Broadway at The Players Theatre. Porphyra has been awarded by UNESCO Piraeus, the Office of the Mayor of Moscow, and the Gorchakov Fund. Porphyra has garnered praise from Chinese and International Asian Press for its Flushing Town Hall Performance.
The productions are based on the band's two albums, "Faith, Struggle, Victory" and the "The Starmaker's Prophecy." A third album is currently in the works.
Porphyra is:
Elaine Tuttle and Ron Iglesias - Vocals
Dorit - Featured Bellydancer and vocals
Billy Chrissochos - Guitar
Mike “Risko” Savvas - Guitar and Tzoura
Jose N. Navia - Bass
Richard Khuzami - Percussion
Tracey “Tre” Beavers - Drums
*The very talented and beautiful bellydancer and singer, Dorit, will be performing with Porphyra for the first time! Singing and dancing!
Please make sure you subscribe to #Porphyra https://youtube.com/user/PorphyraOfficial
On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PorphyraBand/
Website: https://porphyraband.com
Or make a tax exempt donation to our non-profit here.
Website: http://porphyrafoundation.org/
Here is our Patreon page and sister sites.
Hellenic History Series YouTube Channel
Facebook page:
The Facebook community group Love Letters to Greece
Billy Chrissochos site:
More on AHEPA’s mission:

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