Τρίτη 28 Μαΐου 2024

The opera "ILLIAD" by Homer, set to music by the composer Panagiotis Karousos, was presented with great success at the 6th High School of Maroussi


Monday, May 27, 2024 | The opera "ILLIAD" by Homer, set to music by the composer Panagiotis Karousos, was presented with great success at the 6th High School of Maroussi. Presentation of excerpts from the opera "ILLIAD" by Homer with an introductory seminar: "Prosody as a connecting link between opera and ancient Greek literature" at the Directorate of Secondary Education II of Athens. Lecturer: Panagiotis Karousos, composer (prosody analysis). Participants: Choir "Rhapsodes" and Lyrical Soloists: Rea Voudouri, Irini Konsta, Giannis Darios. Piano: Christiana Manou Coordination: Rea Voudouri (soprano). Director: Irini Konsta (soprano). Interactive Participation of 6th High School of Maroussi students. Curator of a student theater group: Dimitra Papachristou, philologist Greeting: Bertseka Georgia, Director of the 6th High School of Maroussi. Artistic Director: Panagiotis Karousos (composer). Lots of applause and enthusiasm from the students of the 6th High School of Maroussi. Directorate of Secondary Education II of Athens Presentation of excerpts from the opera "ILLIAD" by Homer with an introductory seminar: "Prosody as a connecting link between opera and ancient Greek literature". Presenter: Panagiotis Karousos, composer (prosody analysis) Participants: "Rhapsodes" Choir and Lyrical Soloists: Rhea Voudouri, Irini Konsta, Yiannis Darreios. Piano: Christiana Manou theater group of 6th High School of Maroussi students. 6th High School of Maroussi who participated in the event. Achilles: Dimitris Andrianopoulos, Agamemnon: Eleftherios Venetis, Kalchas, narrator: Giannis Makris, Chrysis: Vissario Papadopoulos, Odysseus: Stefanos Sardelis, Thetis: Victoria Bernardou Athena: Maria Zotou, Brisiis: Artemis Goulo Chrysiis: Irini Gasteratou 6th High School of Maroussi Professors who were present in the room - Bercheka Georgia Director & Philologist - Zafeiris Konstantinos Deputy Director & Philologist - Dimitra Papakhristou Philologist who invited us - Mavromatis Konstantinos Gymnast - Chrysikopoulos Maria Mathematician - Koufopoulou Angeliki, Sofia Nabrozidou Philologists - Frangiskos Ma thematic -Papalamprou Eleni Nurse COORDINATION : REA VOUDOURI (SOPRANO) DIRECTOR: IRINI KONSTA (SOPRANO) Interactive Participation of students of the 6th Amarousi High School. Curator of a student theater group: Dimitra Papachristou, philologist, Greeting: Bertseka Georgia, Director, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR: PANAGIOTIS KAROUSOS (COMPOSER) Educational presentation of Homer's Opera "ILLIAD" to music and libretto by Panagiotis Karousos for secondary schools.

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