Σάββατο 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024


 Around 5,000 years ago, the **Sumerians** of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) transformed time measurement with their development of the **sexagesimal system**, a numerical system based on the number 60. This system led to the division of hours into 60 minutes and minutes into 60 seconds, a concept still in use today. Driven by the needs of their agricultural society and religious practices, the Sumerians also made major strides in astronomy, creating a lunar calendar with 12 months to track seasonal cycles

In the fertile plains of **Mesopotamia**, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers converged, the **Sumerians** built one of the earliest civilizations known to humankind. Their cities, temples, and complex irrigation systems thrived in the harsh desert environment, but it was their mastery over time that would leave an indelible mark on the world.
The Sumerians lived in a world where nature’s rhythms dictated their survival. The rising and setting of the sun, the changing of the seasons, and the phases of the moon shaped their agricultural life, determining when to plant their crops and when to harvest. Yet, the natural world was unpredictable, and the Sumerians knew they needed a more precise way to measure time.
Led by their scholars and priests, the Sumerians began to study the sky, watching the movements of the stars and planets with keen eyes. They observed how the moon waxed and waned over the course of about 30 days, creating a natural division of time. From this, they developed a **lunar calendar**, dividing the year into 12 months, each month corresponding with a lunar cycle.
But it wasn’t just the lunar calendar that revolutionized timekeeping. The Sumerians, with their advanced understanding of mathematics, devised a unique numerical system based on the number 60, known as the **sexagesimal system**. Unlike the base-10 system we commonly use today, the sexagesimal system allowed for greater divisibility, making it highly versatile for calculations in both astronomy and everyday life.
Using this system, they divided an hour into **60 minutes** and each minute into **60 seconds**—an innovation that has endured for millennia. Their understanding of time extended beyond the needs of agriculture. It was essential for the coordination of their elaborate religious ceremonies, where priests needed to follow strict rituals at precise moments to honor their gods.
As the Sumerians' cities grew more sophisticated, so too did their need for accurate timekeeping. Temples were built to track the solstices and equinoxes, and observatories were established to chart the positions of celestial bodies. By mapping the stars and understanding the cycles of the sun and moon, the Sumerians ensured their agricultural and religious activities were in harmony with the cosmos.
In the shadow of their great ziggurats, monumental stepped temples that reached toward the heavens, the Sumerians solidified their legacy. Their innovations in time and astronomy laid the foundation for future civilizations to build upon. The sexagesimal system, born in the heart of ancient Mesopotamia, would travel across centuries and continents, influencing not only the Babylonian and Greek mathematicians who came after but shaping how we measure time in the modern world.
Today, when we glance at a clock, dividing hours into 60 minutes and minutes into 60 seconds, we are unknowingly following a tradition set by the Sumerians thousands of years ago. Their need to understand the rhythms of nature gave birth to concepts that continue to regulate our lives, a testament to their lasting influence on human history.

The History Hub

The **Terracotta Army**


The **Terracotta Army**, dating back 2,200 years, was discovered in 1974 by a farmer in Xi'an, China. This incredible find revealed over **8,000 clay soldiers**, each with unique facial features, along with **520 horses, 130 chariots**, and **150 cavalry horses**. The army is believed to guard the tomb of China's first emperor, **Qin Shi Huang**.

In 1974, while digging a well in the fields near Xi'an, China, a local farmer stumbled upon one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the modern age. Beneath the earth, hidden for over two millennia, lay the **Terracotta Army**, an astonishing testament to the ambition and power of China’s first emperor, **Qin Shi Huang**.
The scale of the army was staggering—more than **8,000 life-sized clay soldiers**, each carefully sculpted with unique facial features, standing in formation as if frozen in time. These soldiers, whose heights range between 1.83 and 1.95 meters, represented the might of an imperial force meant to accompany the emperor into the afterlife. The level of craftsmanship was extraordinary: some bore expressions of calm determination, others had fierce gazes, each one a reflection of individualism despite being part of an enormous army.
Further exploration of the site revealed that this terracotta legion was not alone. Alongside the soldiers were **520 horses, 130 chariots**, and **150 cavalry horses**, all fashioned from the same clay. The cavalry horses, with bridles carved into their faces, stood as if waiting for battle commands, while the chariots, once adorned with wood that has long since decayed, would have completed the emperor's formidable retinue.
The **Terracotta Army** was part of an immense necropolis built to honor **Qin Shi Huang**, the emperor who unified China under a centralized government for the first time. His rule, though ruthless, established a legacy that would last thousands of years, and this underground army was meant to protect him in the afterlife, as he had once protected his empire.
Historians and archaeologists believe that the construction of this army, along with the emperor's tomb complex, began shortly after Qin Shi Huang ascended to the throne at age 13. Tens of thousands of workers toiled for decades to create this monumental resting place, mirroring the grandiosity of his reign. Legend has it that the emperor feared death and sought immortality, commissioning the Terracotta Army to guard him eternally.
Yet, even with the discovery of the army, Qin Shi Huang’s actual tomb remains largely unexplored. Historical records suggest that his burial chamber, which lies beneath a massive mound, is filled with unimaginable treasures and protected by intricate traps. Some say the floor of the tomb is covered with rivers of mercury, designed to mimic the flow of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, and the emperor lies in a golden sarcophagus, waiting for eternity.
The **Terracotta Army** is more than just a marvel of ancient art; it represents a bridge between the earthly and the eternal, a reflection of the power and immortality sought by a man who changed the course of Chinese history. Today, these silent soldiers continue to stand guard, a testament to the ambitions of an emperor who strove to conquer even death itself.

The **Sebasteion** temple

 The **Sebasteion**, unearthed in 1979 in southwestern Turkey, was a grand temple complex dedicated to the Julio-Claudian emperors. Adorned with an elaborate sculptural program, much of which has survived, the Sebasteion stands as a testament to the power and divinity of the Roman emperors.

In the ancient city of **Aphrodisias**, nestled in the heart of what is now southwestern Turkey, the **Sebasteion** stood as a beacon of Roman grandeur and devotion. Built to honor the Julio-Claudian dynasty, the emperors who ruled the Roman Empire, it was a temple unlike any other, its majestic columns and intricate reliefs reflecting both religious reverence and imperial authority.
For decades, the Sebasteion lay hidden beneath layers of earth, forgotten by time, until its rediscovery in 1979. Archaeologists, brushing away centuries of dust, revealed a site that once dazzled the citizens of Aphrodisias with its towering façade and elaborate sculptural program. The Sebasteion, part of a larger temple complex, was designed not only as a place of worship but also as a political statement—emphasizing the divinity of the emperors and their connection to the gods.
Among those working on the excavation was Dr. Eleni Kyriakos, a young archaeologist whose passion for ancient art and history had led her to the ruins of Aphrodisias. The Sebasteion had quickly become her obsession. Day after day, she worked tirelessly to uncover the delicate sculptures that adorned the temple’s walls. Reliefs of gods, goddesses, emperors, and mythical scenes slowly emerged, each telling a story of Rome’s dominance and its emperor's supposed divine lineage.
One of the most striking discoveries was a frieze depicting **Claudius**, the Roman emperor, triumphing over Britannia, symbolizing the conquest of Britain. The scene was rich in detail—the expressions of the figures lifelike, the folds of their garments finely rendered. It was clear that this was not merely a religious site but a political monument, celebrating the victories of the emperors and reinforcing their godlike status in the eyes of the people.
Eleni often marveled at the artistry involved. She could almost hear the whispers of ancient craftsmen who, centuries earlier, had painstakingly chiseled the marble to perfection. But it was not just the beauty of the sculptures that fascinated her—it was the message they conveyed. In a world where emperors were seen as mortal gods, the Sebasteion was both a temple and a propaganda tool, immortalizing the Julio-Claudian dynasty's right to rule through the very stones of the earth.
As Eleni stood before the towering remains of the Sebasteion’s colonnade, she imagined what it must have been like in its prime. Citizens of Aphrodisias would have walked through its grand arches, gazing up at the reliefs of Augustus, Tiberius, and Nero, believing they were in the presence of living deities. Festivals and ceremonies would have filled the air with music and chants, as the Sebasteion functioned not just as a religious site, but as a symbol of Roman power stretching across the empire.
Though the centuries had not been kind to the temple—earthquakes, invasions, and neglect taking their toll—much of the sculptural program had survived. Eleni and her team carefully cataloged every piece, preserving the legacy of the Sebasteion for future generations. Each statue, each relief was a window into a world long gone, where art, politics, and religion were intertwined in the grand narrative of the Roman Empire.
As the sun began to set over the excavation site, casting long shadows over the ruins, Eleni felt a deep sense of fulfillment. The Sebasteion, once hidden and forgotten, was now emerging into the light once more. Its story, the story of emperors and gods, of power and faith, would continue to be told for centuries to come.


 The rock blocks you see in the photo, weighing several tons and up to nearly 7 meters high, are at least 11,000 years old, according to C14 radiocarbon analysis. They are just a few of the countless pillars that made up the settlement of Göbekli Tepe, on the border between Turkey and Syria. The civilization that built this and similar settlements still has no name. In fact, until recently their existence was completely unknown.

We do know a few things about them, however. They did not practice agriculture, since all the seeds found within Göbekli Tepe are wild, and not cultivated. Nor did they practice animal husbandry, since the very large number of meat remains found (it seems that they had huge feasts) are all from game, and not from farm animals. Moreover, the stylized statues in the center of the stone circles wear loincloths. This means that it must not have been cold at the time of Göbekli Tepe's construction. All these elements suggest that the original settlement may probably be much older than it appears. Perhaps even thousands of years older.
It is not a burial site, since not a single corpse has been found inside. It is not a shrine, since the depiction of even one god or deity does not appear. It does not appear to have been a town or village, since it seems to lack an appropriate water source to quench the thirst of a substantial group of people. What is it then? All over the walls of Göbekli Tepe are engraved hundreds of “snakes” descending from 'above, from the sky. Heavenly beings appear from which these “snakes” emerge. According to astronomers, about 12,000 years ago a swarm of asteroids or comets heavily bombarded the Earth, destroying entire territories on 4 continents. It was a momentous devastation. Most likely, Göbekli Tepe is a “memorial” to the time when “fiery serpents,” or comet fragments raining down from above, destroyed the world.
But if Göbekli Tepe is a memorial to the cataclysm that struck us some 12,800 years ago, where are the cities of the builders? What customs did they have? More importantly, where did they come from?
The article continues in the book:
HOMO RELOADED - The hidden history of the last 75,000 years.
You can find a copy of the book at this link

α αστέρια του Bolshoi σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη!


Tα αστέρια του Bolshoi σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη! Γιατί.. Όταν πρόκειται για μπαλέτο αξίζει να δείτε το καλύτερο!

Η προπώληση ξεκίνησε! https://www.more.com/theater/bolshoi/
GRAND GALA: Μπαλέτο χωρίς σύνορα..
12 από τους σπουδαιότερους χορευτές σε όλο τον κόσμο παρουσιάζουν τις καλύτερες στιγμές από τις αξεπέραστες χορογραφίες των παραστάσεων:
Είναι κορυφαίοι χορευτές. Είναι συνέχεια φιλοξενούμενοι στα μεγαλύτερα μπαλέτα και χορευτικές παραστάσεις όλου του κόσμου. Έγιναν διάσημοι ως χορευτές στο σπουδαιότερο μπαλέτο της γης, το Bolshoi.
Έρχονται για να μας μαγέψουν με την δύναμη και το πάθος του κλασικού μπαλέτου!
Το Grand Gala αποτελεί μια συρραφή των στιγμών κορύφωσης στις πιο διάσημες παραστάσεις κλασικού μπαλέτου, στιγμές που για τους χορευτές αποτελούν το οξυγόνο τους και για μας τους θεατές ένα δώρο της τέχνης. Είναι η παράσταση που δίνει την δυνατότητα στα μεγαλύτερα αστέρια του Bolshoi να κάνουν την περιοδεία τους σε όλο τον κόσμο!
Τα πιο διάσημα πα ντε ντε του κλασικού μπαλέτου, ο «χορός για δύο» από την «Λίμνη των Κύκνων» αλλά και από την «Ωραία Κοιμωμένη» ή την «Ζιζέλ» παρουσιάζονται σε μια παράσταση που τόσο έλειψε από το κοινό της Αθήνας και της Θεσσαλονίκης.
Στο πρόγραμμα της παράστασης θα απολαύσουμε τα διάσημα pas de deux αλλά και άλλα αποσπάσματα από τις παραστάσεις: Λίμνη των Κύκνων, Ωραία Κοιμωμένη, Ζιζέλ, Δον Κιχώτης, Ρωμαίος και Ιουλιέτα, Κουρσάρος κ.α.
Τα πρώτα μεγάλα ονόματα του μπαλέτου Bolshoi που θα έρθουν στην Αθήνα και την Θεσσαλονίκη για να μας μαγέψουν είναι:
Άννα Νικούλινα (Anna Nikulina) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Principal Dancer)
Αλιόνα Κοβαλίoβα (Alyona Kovalyova) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Principal Dancer)
Ελισαβέτα Κοκόρεβα (Elisaveta Kokoreva) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Principal Dancer)
Αναστασία Στασκέβιτς (Anastasia Stashkevich) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Principal Dancer)
Ιγκόρ Γκερασένκο (Egor Gerashchenko) Κορυφαίος Χορευτής (Principal Dancer)
Τα υπόλοιπα ονόματα θα ανακοινωθούν σύντομα..
Ζήστε κορυφαίο κλασικό μπαλέτο στην Αθήνα και την Θεσσαλονίκη! Μια βραδιά που θα σας μείνει αξέχαστη!
Γιατί.. Όταν πρόκειται για μπαλέτο, αξίζει να δείτε το καλύτερο!
*Η προπώληση για το μεγαλύτερο χορευτικό γεγονός της χρονιάς ξεκίνησε!
GRAND GALA: Μπαλέτο χωρίς σύνορα
Θέσεις περιορισμένης ορατότητας: 25 ΕΥΡΩ, ΦΟΙΤΗΤΙΚΟ ΑΝΕΡΓΩΝ ΠΟΛΥΤΕΚΝΩΝ: 20 ΕΥΡΩ
ΠΡΟΠΩΛΗΣΗ: www.more.com, Public

The Trajan's Column


The Trajan's Column is the only monument of the Forum that has come down to us practically intact and is the largest relief sculpture of all antiquity.

At the heart of the column is a long spiral staircase with 43 loopholes and 182 steps, from which the monument got its name Coclide. This is the first coclid column ever raised. It was in fact an absolute novelty in ancient art and became one of the highest points of Roman relief.
The monument consists of 18 colossal blocks of Carrara marble, each weighing about 40 tons and having a diameter of 3.83 meters.The whole column weighs 1036 tons.
On the top there is a terrace (with breathtaking views) that can accommodate 30 people.The void of the staircase lightens by a third the original weight of each of the drums of the Column, which are linked to each other by four bronze pins anchored with molten lead.

GRAND GALA: Μπαλέτο χωρίς σύνορα


Ο Ίγκορ Γκερασένκο κορυφαίος χορευτής (Principal Dancer) του μπαλέτου Bolshoi έρχεται σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη για το Grand Gala 5 και 6 Οκτωβρίου 2024. Δώδεκα κορυφαίοι χορευτές του Bolshoi τιμούν το κλασικό μπαλέτο. Μια παράσταση που δεν πρέπει να χάσετε.

Σπούδασε στην Κρατική Ακαδημία Μπαλέτου της Μόσχας με καθηγητή τον Νικολάι Τσισκαρίτζε. Μετά την αποφοίτησή του έγινε δεκτός στο Μπαλέτο Bolshoi το 2017. Το 2022 έγινε Principal Dancer, έλαβε την σπουδαιότερη τιμή σολίστ. Απολαύστε τον Ίγκορ Γκερασένκο ως Πρίγκιπα Ζίγκφριντ στην Λίμνη των Κύκνων αλλά και άλλους 11 κορυφαίους χορευτές στο Grand Gala! Tα αστέρια του Bolshoi σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη!
Γιατί.. Όταν πρόκειται για μπαλέτο αξίζει να δείτε το καλύτερο!
Η προπώληση ξεκίνησε! Αγοράστε τα εισιτήριά σας εδώ: https://www.more.com/theater/grandgalagreece/
GRAND GALA: Μπαλέτο χωρίς σύνορα..
12 από τους σπουδαιότερους χορευτές σε όλο τον κόσμο παρουσιάζουν τις καλύτερες στιγμές από τις αξεπέραστες χορογραφίες των παραστάσεων:
Είναι κορυφαίοι χορευτές. Είναι συνέχεια φιλοξενούμενοι στα μεγαλύτερα μπαλέτα και χορευτικές παραστάσεις όλου του κόσμου. Έγιναν διάσημοι ως χορευτές στο σπουδαιότερο μπαλέτο της γης, το Bolshoi.
Έρχονται για να μας μαγέψουν με την δύναμη και το πάθος του κλασικού μπαλέτου!
Το Grand Gala αποτελεί μια συρραφή των στιγμών κορύφωσης στις πιο διάσημες παραστάσεις κλασικού μπαλέτου, στιγμές που για τους χορευτές αποτελούν το οξυγόνο τους και για μας τους θεατές ένα δώρο της τέχνης. Είναι η παράσταση που δίνει την δυνατότητα στα μεγαλύτερα αστέρια του Bolshoi να κάνουν την περιοδεία τους σε όλο τον κόσμο!
Τα πιο διάσημα πα ντε ντε του κλασικού μπαλέτου, ο «χορός για δύο» από την «Λίμνη των Κύκνων» αλλά και από την «Ωραία Κοιμωμένη» ή την «Ζιζέλ» παρουσιάζονται σε μια παράσταση που τόσο έλειψε από το κοινό της Αθήνας και της Θεσσαλονίκης.
Στο πρόγραμμα της παράστασης θα απολαύσουμε τα διάσημα pas de deux αλλά και άλλα αποσπάσματα από τις παραστάσεις: Λίμνη των Κύκνων, Ωραία Κοιμωμένη, Ζιζέλ, Δον Κιχώτης, Ρωμαίος και Ιουλιέτα, Κουρσάρος κ.α.
Τα μεγάλα ονόματα του μπαλέτου Bolshoi που θα έρθουν στην Αθήνα για να μας μαγέψουν είναι:
Άννα Νικούλινα (Anna Nikulina) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Principal Dancer)
Αλιόνα Κοβαλίoβα (Alyona Kovalyova) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Principal Dancer)
Ελισαβέτα Κοκόρεβα (Elisaveta Kokoreva) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Principal Dancer)
Ιγκόρ Γκερασένκο (Egor Gerashchenko) Κορυφαίος Χορευτής (Principal Dancer)
Ντενίς Ρόντκιν (Denis Rodkin) Κορυφαίος Χορευτής (Principal Dancer)
Αρίνα Ντενισόβα (Arina Denisova) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Leading Soloist)
Όλγα Μαρσένκοβα (Olga Marchenkova) Κορυφαία Χορεύτρια (Leading Soloist)
Ντανιίλ Ποταπτσέφ (Daniil Potaptsev) Κορυφαίος Χορευτής (Leading Soloist)
Ντενίς Ζαχάροφ (Denis Zakharov) Κορυφαίος Χορευτής (First Soloist)
Εκατερίνα Σμούροβα (Ekaterina Smurova) Μπαλαρίνα του Bolshoi (Artist)
Ρατμίρ Τζουμαλίεφ (Ratmir Djumaliev) Χορευτής του Bolshoi (Artist)
Ιλντάρ Γκαϊνουτντίνοφ (Ildar Gaynutdinov) Χορευτής του Bolshoi (Artist)
Ζήστε κορυφαίο κλασικό μπαλέτο στην Αθήνα! Μια βραδιά που θα σας μείνει αξέχαστη!
Γιατί.. Όταν πρόκειται για μπαλέτο, αξίζει να δείτε το καλύτερο!
*Η προπώληση για το μεγαλύτερο χορευτικό γεγονός της χρονιάς ξεκίνησε!
GRAND GALA: Μπαλέτο χωρίς σύνορα
Θέσεις περιορισμένης ορατότητας: 25 ΕΥΡΩ, ΦΟΙΤΗΤΙΚΟ ΑΝΕΡΓΩΝ ΠΟΛΥΤΕΚΝΩΝ: 20 ΕΥΡΩ
ΠΡΟΠΩΛΗΣΗ: www.more.com, Public

Cleopatra VII, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt

  Cleopatra VII, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, remains a figure of fascination not only for her political acumen ...