Παρασκευή 3 Μαρτίου 2017

The Sofia - National Opera & Ballet applauses the opera Prometheus by Panagiotis Karousos

Tuesday 28 February 2017. At the Sofia Opera & Ballet presented the opera "Prometheus Bound" Panagiotis Karousos with great Greek opera artists.
At the first plan bass Vasilis Asimakopoulos as Prometheus, soprano Irene Konsta as Io, violinist Stavroula Menti, and pianist Victoria-Fjoralba Kiazimi, impressed the Bulgarian public of Sofia Opera & Ballet.
The remarkable lyric artists received many congratulations and applause from opera lovers.
The music thrilled the audience as well as the interpretations of high quality artists.
The excellent bass Vasilis Asimakopoulos in the role of Prometheus was remarkable, and the impressive soprano Irini Konsta at the role of Io gave her best in a difficult task.
The meritorious violinist Stavroula Menti, and fine pianist Victoria-Fjoralba Kiazimi,
accompanied the protagonists with musicality and excelled in the orchestral parts.
The audience thrilled by the quality of the voices and the performance of the beautiful music.
The Sofia Opera & Ballet presented the opera "Prometheus Bound" to a concert version form under the auspices of Clubs for UNESCO of Piraeus & Islands and UNESCO "Leonardo da Vinci" Sofia.
Greetings gave Ioannis Maronitis, president of the Club for UNESCO of Piraeus & Islands, Janet Borlakova, president of the Club for UNESCO "Leonardo da Vinci" Sofia, Bulgaria, the Acad. Plamen Kartalov, director of the National Opera of Sofia, Slav Petkov, chairman of the Balkan and Black Sea Area Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (FAPA-BBS), etc.
In the production of the opera involved the organizations: Club for UNESCO Piraeus and Islands, Club for UNESCO "Leonardo da Vinci" Sofia, Balkan and Black Sea Area Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (FAPA-BBS), Hellenique-International, the Embassy of Bulgaria in Athens, and the Hellenic-American Center of the Arts.
Prometheus was presented in Montreal at Place des Arts, and played occasionally in French until 2000. The work is based on the tragedy of Aeschylus 'Prometheus Bound' translated by Gryparis, and the Theogony of Hesiod. In 2008 the opera presented in New York and Washington, USA under the direction of maestro Grant Gilman, in English.
In Greece Prometheus staged at the Theatre of Ancient Messene, Ancient Agora, National Archaeological Museum, the Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus, the Old Parliament House, Theatre Veakio, and dozens of performances at Municipal Theatres.
In March 2014 the opera "Prometheus Bound," starring Vasilis Asimakopoulos presented at Queens' Mamie Fay Auditorium and at the UN headquarters in Manhattan, representing Greece in UNESCO. 
It was the first time in history that opera traveled from Greece to America. Under the direction of conductor Eleftherios Kalkanis presented at the Third ERT Program and Concert Hall "Parnassos". In 2016 the opera was presented in the Amphitheater Richelieu of the Sorbonne in Paris starring: Vasilis Asimakopoulos, Irene Konsta, Vanessa Kalkanis, Kassandra Dimopoulou, Philip Modinos, Victoria-Fjoralba Kiazimi.

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