Δευτέρα 1 Νοεμβρίου 2021

Billy Chrissochos "OHI DAY: The Cultural Impact on Hellas and the World."

 Billy Chrissochos

This past Friday I had the honor to present to my AHEPA Hermes Chapter 186 in Astoria my lecture on "OHI DAY: The Cultural Impact on Hellas and the World."

The presentation took place at St. Demetrios Cathedral downstairs hall area in Astoria. Participating were also some of the Daughters of Penelope Ilion chapter along with president Effie Vassiliadis-Argyropoulos.
I elaborated on the topic of the Greco-Italian war and Metaxas’s Fourth of August Regime that took on Mussolini’s Fascist forces. I reflected of the struggle of North Epirus that took front line in the war effort and the cultural revival that that region brought to the psyche of Hellas and the world. There was music celebrating OHI day from Sotiria Bellou to metal band Sabaton.
A brief background on the event.
On October 28th, 1940, Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas received an ultimatum by the Italian Fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini. The ultimatum demanded Greece allow Axis forces to enter Greek territory and occupy certain unspecified "strategic locations" or otherwise face war. Prime Minister Metaxas responded with NO! OHI! The battle was won by the Greek forces and we celebrate the holiday every year on October 28th.
There was also archival material of the era to view on loan, courtesy of my good friend Yiannis. A Lavaron of the era and Rare magazines from the government of the time seen probably for the first time in over 80 years! Plus some other rare items. Thank you to MGTV for filming event.

Billy Chrissochos "OHI DAY: The Cultural Impact on Hellas and the World."

 Billy Chrissochos

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