Δευτέρα 2 Αυγούστου 2021

Ilias I. Katsos with Clelia Charissis, Evageline Plakas, and Eikaterini Monoyuiou the Hellenic parliamentarian representing the Cyclades

 I had a wonderful time, as always, at lunch at the Athene with good friends Clelia Charissis, Evageline Plakas, and Eikaterini Monoyuiou the Hellenic parliamentarian representing the Cyclades. Metropolitan Symeon of Fthiotida (Lamia) also joined us for a little while. Later outside we ran into Sakis Tanimanidis a well known Hellenic TV host, producer and entrepreneur and a very good friend of Clelia’s. A great time was had by all. Ahhh Hellas !!

Ilias I. Katsos

Today I will be leaving this great nation of my birth - Hellas for New York and my metaphorical mountains, to again go “on the run” . Although a short trip I had an absolutely fantastic and spectacular time filled with numerous adventures both in Athens and the Morea (Peloponnessos),interesting encounters and diversions, drama, intrigue, high intellectual and practical discussions, culture, poetry and love. I did not discover “Laistrygonians, Cyclops, angry/wild Poseidon” since I kept my thoughts raised high, and did not /nor will not “bring them along inside my soul” as I head back to “Ithaca”. Continue “Waiting for the Barbarians” as hopefully, and perhaps misunderstood, since “Those people were a kind of solution.”.
I leave behind some very close close relatives and friends and parting is as always difficult for them and me but I will be back probably later in the year on my way to Dubai to family, friends, and other adventures.

I leave from Hellas, as always, with books as gifts from different authors and what I treasure. The photo is of a gift from my cousin Barbara Vals Katsos who, among many other things, is a mountain climber, marathon runner, nature lover, a “shaman” to many, mother and grandmother. Her gift was a natural rock from the upper and highest point (7,900 feet) of the Taygetos mountains (where I was born) and all of the Morea/ Peloponnesos the Taleton dedicated to Helios/ the Sun and later to Profitis Hlias. She inscribed in the back “Η ΤΑΝ Η ΕΠΙ ΤΑΣ” one of our Lakedaimonian ancient sayings and still the old school beliefs of some who understand it’s true meaning.

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