Κυριακή 28 Ιουνίου 2020

AHEPA District 6 Convention & AHEPA 84th Annual Empire State (N.Y.) District 6 Virtual Convention

We had a different kind of #AHEPA District 6 Convention this year due to the circumstances. Nevertheless, even via ZOOM it was a great convention! I wanted to thank our gracious hosts for catering, our Secretary Peter Argyropoulos and his wife Effie from our Daughters of Penelope #IlionChapter135 🙂. Congratulations to everyone involved throughout the AHEPA family! Congratulations to Harry Fotiadis and New Rochelle Evzone Chapter for hosting and our Returning Governor Ilias Katsos and Board! Also a much deserved Congratulations to our own AHEPA #Hermes186 Astoria Chapter past President and District Warden George Zouvelos for being awarded as Ahepan of the Year. It is a distinct honor that he is the current recipient and I was last years for our chapter 🙂. Learn how you can join us by contacting me. I am the current VP of Hermes with the returning Board under our president John Kokolakis and I serve as District Director for Culture and the Arts. Also our own Br Ignazio Iggy Terranova donated over 10,000 gourmet meals to the community during the pandemic while running for Stare Assembly. #Hellenism #Philanthropy #Orthodoxy @ Astoria

Billy Chrissochos
A sincere THANK YOU to the delegates to the AHEPA 84th Annual Empire State (N.Y.) District 6 Virtual Convention held yesterday for.the honor and privilege of being re-elected by acclamation the AHEPA Governor of the District, and Congratulations (!!!) to all the District Lodge officers who were also re-elected. New York District 6 is the largest District in terms of membership (about 1700 members) within the AHEPA National and International domain. The Order of AHEPA (Hellenic Educational Progressive Association), founded in 1922, is the largest Hellenic American organization.
I also as the Governor had the pleasure of selecting the recipients and handing out Awards to AHEPA District 6 members for the 2020 year. The photos attached are not the Awards themselves (which are very nice) nor the colors or materials but proofs. The actual awards are being mailed out to the recipients and Congratulations to them !!!

Ilias I. Katsos

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