Πέμπτη 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023




Today we visit a famous portrait titled "The Lady of the Armiño" made in 1490 by Leonardo da Vinci. Preserved in the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow (Poland).
The work is believed to represent a beautiful woman, intelligent and cultured, because she performed music and wrote poetry. For years, she was the lover of Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan.
As in many portraits of Leonardo, the composition involves a pyramid spiral and the protagonist is captured moving while turning left, reflecting the concern the painter had his entire life for the dynamics of movement. The three-quarter profile portrait was one of the many innovations of the genius da Vinci.
The young Cecilia. That at the time of the portrait was 17 years old, holds in his hands, and caresses him, an arm, represented with precision and vitality. The presence of this animal may have different interpretations, for the Armenians were associated with the aristocracy, and Cecilia's relationship with this symbol may have been intentional, for it can be understood as a symbol of purity by its white hair; in medieval beasts, the Armenian represented some virtues as balance and tranquility, so Leonardo would be transferring those virtues to Cecilia Gallerani, thanks also to the almost identical attitude of the lady and the animal. It can also be understood as a reference to Ludovico, whose emblem was "L'Ermellino", a small Armenian.
An imperceptible smile is suggested on the lips of the young woman, as to express a feeling Leonardo preferred to suggest emotions rather than presenting them explicitly. In short, this piece represents the artist's tremendous ability to paint the human form.

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