Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου 2022

FAREWELL RECEPTION honoring the Consul General of the Hellenic Republic in New York Dr. Konstantinos Koutras

 FAREWELL RECEPTION honoring the Consul General of the Hellenic Republic in New York Dr. Konstantinos Koutras was a packed house with all of the major NY Hellenic American organizations in attendance, as well as foreign diplomats from other nations. There were Welcoming Remarks by Ms. Nancy Papaioannou who was the Master of Ceremonies with an Invocation by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros and Opening Remarks by HE. Ambassador Alexandra Papadopoulou and HE. Ambassador Maria Theofili.

I represented EMBCA (East Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance) and gave some remarks relating to this highly regarded outstanding diplomat as did others. Dr. Koutras has done a lot for the community in the 6 years that he has been in New York. He is an eloquent and articulate scholar and honed foreign affairs expert who has been on numerous EMBCA panel discussions over the years. He will be missed but I am sure his new assignment (not announced) relating to the East Mediterranean using his highly honed diplomatic skills will be one of importance and to the benefit of both the Hellenic Republic and the region. AXIOS kai sta anotera !!

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