Κυριακή 9 Απριλίου 2017

The opera Prometheus Bound with a seminar at the High Schools of Athens

Thursday, April 6, 2017. A major educational project take place in Secondary Education of Greece in Athens, with a presentation of the contemporary opera masterpiece based on Aeschylus' tragedy 'Prometheus Bound' set to Music by Panagiotis Karousos and the Stage Direction by Vasilis Asimakopulos.
The program started on January 31, 2017 at the 18th Athens High School, and continuous its presentations with a huge success with the 48th and 59th High Schools of Athens.
At the approved program of the Ministry of Education of Greece with the agreement of the Teachers' Association participated the lyric opera artists: Prometheus: Vasilis Asimakopoulos, bass - Io: Irene Konsta, soprano - Ocean / Hermes: Theodoros Birakos, tenor - Violence / Athena: Dimitra Kamitsi, soprano - Victoria Kiazimi, piano.
To the modern opera preceded the seminar: "The prosody as a link of the opera with the ancient Greek tragedy."
The presentation of the seminar was made by Elias Koutsis, Director of the 18th Athens High School, Dr. Chrysoula Tsigris, School Counselor of Education in Athens, the philologist Dr. Anastasios Koutsoukos, who was coordinator, Paraskevi Makrinou, musician and the composer Panagiotis Karousos. He participated the mathematician Sophia Papadatou and Basiliki Pata singer of the 18th High School Choir that sang a prosody sample in a phrase of Prometheus accompanied on the piano by the musician Parasksvi Makrinou.
The students of Third Level of Athens High School 18th: Anna Maria Boura, Georgitina Kleiasiou, Joanna Shehu, Panagiota Vitsi, read the 2nd Choral of the Tragedy Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, and Athanasia Daniilidou read a reference text to "Prosody and Music".
The presentation of the Program attended two Departments of the 48th High School of Athens with the Director Despina Daras and the Teachers of French and German, three departments of the 59th High School of Athens accompanied by their professor of theology and two French Departments of the 18th Gymnasium accompanied by Professor Zoi Chorianopoulou.
The seminar covered the Themes: Music in Ancient Greece, Ancient Greek musical system, The orchestra instruments in ancient Greek drama, The ancient Greek tragedians, The ancient Greek theater. The music school Paraskevi Makrinou read: The kinds of voices in opera. The composer Panayiotis Karousos developed the meaning of prosody in relation to the development of opera and prose-prosody difference in ancient Greek tragedy. Also mentioned the connection of Opera and Ancient Greek tragedy and the contribution of prosody to the creation of Classical Music.
The presentation acclaimed by Elias Koutsis, director of the 18th our High School of Athens: "It is a great honor for the High Schools and Education to realizing this Program of the Ministry of Culture of Greece, a great educational project of the Ministry of Education that makes us particularly proud of the creator Panagiotis Karousos and his contribution. The composer is with us today with the worthy associates lyric opera singers to analyze and presented the opera "Prometheus Bound."
Attended by over 200 students who applauded enthusiastically the wonderful performances of the opera singers fine protagonists, Vasilis Asimakopoulos, Irene Konsta, Theodoros Birakos, Dimitra Kamitsi, and pianist Victoria Kiazimi. Dr. Chrysoula Tsigris, School Counselor in Athens Education, congratulated the opera singers of opera, the composer Panagiotis Karousos, and all actors and participants in the remarkable program of the Ministry of Education of Greece.

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