Τρίτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Olga Pak, Yann Merker, Irene Konsta, Panagiotis Karousos, Theodosia Ntokou
On Sunday, October 11, 2015 held with great success the concert with works by Greek Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos in Berlin, Germany.
The works amazingly presented by internationally renowned soloists and musicians from the Berliner Camerata impressing the German crowd where gave cheer applauses.
The pianist of the concert Theodosia, Theodosia Ntokou, is the protégé of the legend of the piano, Martha Argerich and the famous conductor Daniel Barenboim.
Composer Panagiotis Karousos is the director of Opera and Classical Music for the Club for UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands, and conveyed the greetings of Mr. Ioannis Maronitis, president of the Group for UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands and Vice President for the World Federation of Clubs, Associations and Centers of UNESCO (WFUCA) for Europe and North America.
Olga Pak, Irene Konsta, Panagiotis Karousos, Theodosia Ntokou, Yann Merker
The program opened with the fantastic "Sonata No.1" interpreted with great skills by amazing pianist Theodosia and Yann Merker which is the first cello of Berliner Camerata.
This was followed by the first part of the Art Songs Liederabend by Panagiotis Karousos with Irene Konsta, soprano and Theodosia Ntokou, piano.
The two soloists interpreted beautifully and touched audience with the romantic "Sonnet 109" by William Shakespeare, the Nachtgedanken "Night Thoughts" of great German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and the emotional poem Lyre of the Songs «La Harpe des Cantiques» of Alphonse de Lamartine.
The "Romance for Violin and Piano" interpreted by Olga Pak, First Violin (Berliner Camerata Konzertmeisterin) and founder of Berliner Camerata, and Theodosia, piano earning warm applause.
Yann Merker, cello 
Theodosia with fine soprano Irene Konsta gave a recital of interpretation in the second part of the Art Songs in great poets with the poems «Ozymandias» of Percy Bysshe Shelley, «To My Country» of Rachel Bluwstein, and «Underground» written by the President of the United States Barack Obama.
The melancholic masterpiece «Divertimento for Cello and Piano» interpreted very emotional by Yann Merker, cello and stunning Theodosia, piano.
Irene Konsta, soprano
Then Theodosia and Irene Konsta charmed people with Deianeira’s divine aria from the opera "Olympic Flame" bt Panagiotis Karousos.
The program ended with the lyrical «Piano Trio No.1" D'amour "» Theodosia, piano Olga Pak, violin and Yann Merker, cello.
The portrait of Greek Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos held with great success in the lovely concert hall Studio Niculescu Berlin of famous pianist Cristian Niculescu who impressed by the works of composer Panagiotis Karousos called him a great composer with masterpiece works of classical music and thanked the artists for a top-level concert.
Olga Pak, First Violin (Berliner Camerata Konzertmeisterin) 
Cristian Niculescu, pianist - Irene Konsta, soprano - Panagiotis Karousos, composer 

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