Τετάρτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013



European Heritage Days (EIPK) “The faces of Time”
A Greek contemporary opera presented during the eventsEuropean Heritage Days (EIPK)” under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports.
After the mythical presentation of the opera "Prometheus Bound" of Greek Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos in Epidaurus the presentation of work will be the first Greek opera to be presented in the sacred space that Democracy was created.
A lyrical work based on Aeschylus’ tragedy “Prometheus Bound”.  
Cast :
Prometheus: Vasilis Asimakopoulos, bass
Io / Nymph: Maria Lyberakou, soprano
Ocean / Hermes: Anastasios Stellas, tenor
Violence / Goddess Athena: Marimel Chrisi, soprano
Hephaestus / Zeus: Panagiotis Karousos, baritone
Oceanide: Viki Virvili, actor
Nymphs Oceanides: Priestesses
Vivi Klisoura: piano

Costumes: American Hellenic Center of the Arts
Stage Director: Vasilis Asimakopoulos 
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29 at 13:00pm
Free Admission

Few words about the opera Prometheus Bound:
Prometheus Bound by Panagiotis Karousos first premiered in Montreal, Canada in 1994 and played in French until 2000.
In 1998 presented in Los Angeles at Beverly Hills City Hall with a great success.
In 2008 represented in New York and Washington in English under the direction of maestro Grant Gilman, and American soloists from the opera of New York.
The opera impressed with the high lyricism and characterized as a divine music composition work.
In Greece Prometheus Bound presented at the Municipal Theatres of Argostoli, Lixouri, Ithaca, Cholargos, Chalkis, at the Concert Hall of the Greek Writers, in Parnassos Concert Hall, in the Old Parliament House, at the Theatre Veakio, at the Municipal Theater of Athens, at the Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus and at the Ancient Theatre Ekklesiasterion (Odeon) in Ancient Messene.
Also in June 2013 staged at Theatre Jenny Karezi under the supervision of renowned actor Kostas Kazakos. The music of the opera "Prometheus Bound" by Panagiotis Karousos considered masterful, original, with a doric simplicity and grandeur. The Greek Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos, was awarded by the Federal Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec for his contribution to the arts.

EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS (EHD) 2013 (27-29 September 2013)
Every year in September, the 50 signatory States to the European Cultural Convention take part in the European Heritage Days – a joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, putting new cultural assets on view and opening up historical buildings normally closed to the public.
The cultural events highlight local skills and traditions, architecture and works of art, but the broader aim is to bring citizens together in harmony even though there are differences in cultures and languages.
Each year, national and regional events are organised around a special theme. These themes vary in each country from year to year. They include such topics as:
specific forms of heritage (e.g. farmhouses, musical instruments, culinary traditions, garden architecture); specific periods in history (e.g. the Medieval heritage, the Baroque heritage); society’s approaches to heritage (e.g. heritage and citizenship, heritage and youth).
The Council of Europe and the European Commission encourage the selection of trans-national themes which can be illustrated by cross-border activities that are jointly set up by the different countries.
The theme for 2013-2014 is dedicated to Time and the general title that embraced the activities is “The faces of Time”.
The celebration will last from September 27th until September 29th 2013

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