Παρασκευή 28 Ιουνίου 2013

Opera of Panagiotis Karousos "Prometheus Bound" starring Vasilis Asimakopoulos

Opera of Panagiotis Karousos "Prometheus Bound" at Ithaca's cultural center 16/06/2013

Sunday, June 16 at the Ithaca Municipal Theatre staged with great success the opera "Prometheus Bound" by Greek-Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos.
Over 60 years had to present opera on the Ithaca island.
The masterpiece of Greek opera "Prometheus Bound" by the great Cephalonian composer Panagiotis Karousos interpreted by tow of the greatest lyric artist Vasilis Asimakopoulos and Irene Konsta.
The UNESCO Club of Kefalonia and Ithaca in cooperation with the Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Ithaca "FIMIOS" presented for the first time ever after the 1953 earthquake an opera in Ithaca.
The "Prometheus Bound" by Panagiotis Karousos was presented in Montreal, Canada in Washington D.C. and in New York of United States of America and considered as a masterpiece of modern Greek opera. It was a memorable performance based on the tragedy Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus translated by John Gryparis.

The coefficients of the opera in Ithaca were some of the best voices of Greece and the Greek National Opera.
The great and tragic role of Prometheus performed by celebrated bass Vasilis Asimakopoulos who triumphed and literally conquered Ithaca with his great talent.

The soprano Helen Bouki-Agiomyrgianaki in the role of Io gave all her emotion.
The roles of the Goddess Athena and Violence performed by soprano Irene Konsta who charmed the audience with her presence and her beautiful voice.
The work was recently presented at the Third Programme of ERT (Greek Radio and Television Studio C) and proclaimed a divine music composition. An hymn to Aeschylus and to Ancient Greek Tragedy.
At the roles of Oceanus and Hermes tenor Christos Delizonas impressed with a strong voice and musicality.
At the piano Vivi Klisoura accompanied amazingly the soloists.
The direction of the protagonist Vasilis Asimakopoulos was successful bringing out the complex lyrical work of Aeschylus and the emotional music of Panagiotis Karousos.
source: http://ithacorama.com/en/journal/eventsithacagreece/item/236

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