Κυριακή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

AHEPA Hermes 186 Astoria chapter

New York, 30 November 2018. Billy Chrissochos: Last night at our AHEPA Hermes 186 Astoria chapter we had a wonderful guest come and speak Archmandrite Chrysostom spoke to us about the growing Nigerian Greek Orthodox Church and the St. Christopher’s Orthodox mission and orphanage there. 
As the community of Orthodox grows there are plenty of obstacles faced by the faithful. Archmandrite Chrysostom has written many books including “Orthodoxy in Africa” (pictured). They are in serious need of monetary help to help them continue to basically exist there. 
Our chapter helped by purchasing plenty of books. We hope more people learn about this wonderful cause and our extended Orthodox Community in the heart of Africa. He came down from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.
If you wish to find out more please contact Archmandrite Chrysostom directly or myself and I will direct you to him.
#AHEPA #AHEPAHermes #Greece #Nigeria #NigerianOrthodoxChristians#StVladimirsOrthodoxTheologicalSeminary #Russia #Astoria #Hellenism#Orthodoxy #PatriarchateofAlexandria #Lagos #ArchdioceseofCameroon

Billy Chrissochos with George Zouvelos, Demetrios Lambos, Bill Kent,
Nicholas Kordes, Archmandrite Chrysostom, Louis Kokalis and Ted Kouris.
Billy Chrissochos with Archmandrite Chrysostom and George Zouvelos.

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